How well is your roofing company represented on hiring sites like Glassdoor, Indeed, and ZipRecruiter? Thousands of people use these sites to find work, and roofing companies use them to recruit new (and digitally savvy) talent. As of May 2022, there were 15,369 roofing jobs posted on Indeed!
If you have an online job posting, be prepared for candidates to look at your website, read company reviews, and review your social media profiles. Could any of these platforms be cleaned up or further optimized to best reflect your brand? Social media, in particular, can be a great way for you to gain visibility where your competitors lag. Post open positions on Facebook, and use hashtags like #hiring, #jobs, #jobsearch, and #nowhiring on Twitter and TikTok to attract in-the-moment job seekers.
According to Zety, "After finding a job opening, 64% of candidates said they research a company online and 37% said they will move on to another job opening if they can't find information on the company."
Search for your company online and review your presence. Ask current employees to write positive reviews about their experience, add a page to your website about employee benefits, or add "day in the life" photographs to social media to spark interest. Put your best foot forward online, just like you would on the job.