A veces se pide a Elevate que apruebe la aplicación de logotipos pintados en membranas de una sola capa Elevate. Mantener el sistema de techo Elevate garantizado por el propietario del edificio en una condición de servicio es una preocupación principal al considerar cualquier forma de sobrecarga, es decir, cualquier tipo de estructura, recubrimiento o superficie que pueda limitar o restringir la capacidad de Elevate para investigar y reparar el sistema de techo Elevate garantizado. Holcim considers paints and other surfacing that are not necessary for the performance of the Elevate roofing system as overburden.
There are numerous brands of tintable paints and coatings on the market. An Owner should choose the one that works best for their intended purpose. Primer may be required to achieve long-term adhesion to the Elevate membrane. Most commercially available latex or acrylic paints or coatings are compatible with Elevate membranes, but the paint or coating manufacturer should confirm compatibility of the product(s) used.
In order to keep the Red Shield™ Warranty in good standing, the building owner should submit an Overburden Waiver and a Post Warranty Alteration Form to Elevate Warranty Services at the completion of their project. These forms are available in the Building Owner’s Toolbox or by using the links below.
Post Warranty Alteration and Overburden Waver Forms may be found here.
Elevate expresses no claims or guarantees regarding the performance of products by other manufacturers used in conjunction with Elevate products. Please contact Elevate Warranty Services at 800-428-4442 for additional assistance.
Please consult the Elevate website for most up to date information. Please contact a Regional Technical Coordinator if you have specific questions related to this update.