Pacific Corporate Center
Portland, Oregon
Two decades after their installation at Pacific Corporate Center in Portland, OR, the water features lined with Elevate EPDM Geomembrane are still beautiful, efficient and performing with no history of liner repair. The mixed-use development serves 70-plus tenants and the water features are high on the list of favorite amenities among tenants and visitors.
The water features were designed to lend an indigenous woodland appearance to balance peace and privacy with the efficiency and productivity of a workplace. Critical to the design and the projects overall success was the selection of a high-quality geomembrane that would allow a great deal of control over water quality. Three of the ponds and both waterfalls are lined with approximately 25,000 square feet of 45-mil Elevate EPDM Geomembrane.
Im extremely pleased with the performance and low maintenance characteristics of the liner. A few of the ponds that were constructed first are not lined with Elevate EPDM Geomembrane, and they require more frequent repairs and maintenance. But the ponds lined with this product still perform just beautifully, said John Wiitala, senior property manager for Pacific Realty Associates (PacTrust), which owns and manages the business park.
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Pacific Corporate Center / Portland, OR