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Applications of our lining solutions

Irrigation reservoirs

Next to air, water is the most important element for life. It is a precious finite resource that should not be wasted. Discover Elevate’s solution for water containment applications.

Residential and Koi ponds

A water feature in a private garden is a source of pleasure, relaxation and serenity. Discover Elevate’s solution for your pond project.

Silage covers

Silage covers - or bunker silo covers, as they are also known-, are an effective and low-cost way of storing grain or animal feed, protecting it from the effects of moisture and oxygen while preserving its nutritional value. Discover Elevate’s solution for silage cover applications.

Snow reservoirs

Snow reservoirs are mountain reservoirs and hydraulic structures built in ski resorts which are used to store water mainly for the production of artificial snow. They are an excellent solution for mountain resorts having trouble with the intake of water. Discover why to use Elevate EPDM?