Recognizing Quality
Cercle Interne de Qualité
Le prix Cercle Interne de Qualité Elevate est l’un des honneurs les plus prestigieux de l’industrie de la toiture commerciale. Il est remis aux entrepreneurs principaux qui installent :
- Install an average for 40 warranted roofs over the last 5 years.
- Maintain at least 2 million square feet under warranty.
- Meet the annual QIR Requirement.
- Atteindre le statut Maître Couvreur.
Partenaire en Qualité
The Elevate Partner in Quality Award is awarded to Elevate licensed contractors who install:
- Install an average of 40 warranted roofs over the last 5 years.
- Maintain at least 1 million square feet under warranty.
- 3 Meet the annual QIR Requirement.
Quality Impact Rating (QIR)
The QIR Score is computed using the total cost and number of warrantable repair incidents occurring on Elevate roofs over the last three years; divided by the total square footage of Elevate roofs under warranty. The Cost portion of The QIR Score is weighed at 60%, the Incident portion of the QIR Score is weighed at 40%.