To ensure premium performance of our Elevate UltraPly TPO SA and RubberGard EPDM SA membrane systems, please note the application requirements and detail updates as outlined below for warrantable applications. Some detail applications have been adjusted to account for specific conditions that may occur on a project. See the table below for the updated list of details and the associated adjustments made along with general application notes. Spécia...
Elevate is sometimes asked to approve the application of painted logos on Elevate single-ply membranes. Maintaining the building owner’s warranted Elevate roofing system in a serviceable condition is of primary concern when considering any form of overburden, that is, any type of structure, covering, or surfacing that may limit or restrict Elevate’s ability to investigate and repair the warranted Elevate roofing system. Holcim considers paints an...
We are pleased to announce an enhancement to our detail library! The Elevate detail library now includes the following updates: Elevate TPO and Elevate PVC/PVC KEE specific details have been combined into a unified set of Thermoplastic Details. Some details will remain specific to an individual membrane type and have been noted as such on the applicable drawing. We have created a detail number/name list for quick reference between ol...
As announced in the recent Marketing Bulletin, Holcim Solutions and Products Canada, A Division of Lafarge Canada Inc has introduced a standalone Number 12 (#12) insulation fastener to be used in conjunction with the Elevate Insulation Fastening Plate (TIS 1106) in warranted Elevate roofing systems. The standalone #12 fastener is identical to the #12 fastener that already comes pre-assembled with the Insulation Fastening Plate (TIS 10...
Please be aware of the following updates for Elevate roofing systems: As global supply constraints have steadily abated and availability of Elevate-branded products has returned to normal, substitution requests will no longer be accepted for technical or warranty purposes absent extraordinary circumstances. Technical Deviation Requests to include non-Elevate branded materials based on supply limitations must be submitted no lat...
Cold temperatures change the physical properties of adhesives, sealants, primers, and coatings, and alter the handling characteristics of roofing membranes due to increased rigidity. The information in this bulletin is intended to help installers successfully apply Elevate materials in cold weather. Elevate recommends cold weather application procedures be used when ambient and substrate conditions fall below 40 °F (4 °C). Refer to applicable ...
Rappel de changement de jauge d’applicabilité du CFP-12 Delta – Utilisez votre RSC pour mettre à jour les commandes de métal du panneau UC-7 Please be advised that effective immediately, Elevate has made changes to its UC-7 panel seam cap offering and will be discontinuing the Anoka style seam cap. In the past, Elevate offered two different style seam caps to accommodate customer preference. REMARQUE : UC-7 Seam Cap maximum gauge is 0,032; (0,81 mm) alumin...
La haute performance des produits Elevate SBS est bien établie depuis de nombreuses années, et les granules Elevate UltraWhite™, introduits en 2010, ont démontré une réflectivité solaire exceptionnelle, ne nécessitent pas de revêtement ou de réenduit et évitent la susceptibilité aux dommages causés par la grêle associée à de nombreuses autres marques de feuilles de finition réfléchissantes en bitume modifié. Elevate is pleased to combine our SBS and UltraWhite products in the Elevate 30-Year SBS Plati...